Initial Consultation

Initial consultations are complimentary and last about 45 minutes. During your first visit, we will take the time to get to know you and perform a comprehensive exam. We will then talk about the options to help you achieve a beautiful smile!


To schedule an initial consultation for you or your child, please call our office at 908-735-0612 or click here. We are excited to meet you and begin working together!


New Patient Forms

Adolescent Form

Adult Form

What To Bring

- New Patient Information Form (See Above)

- Health History

- Insurance Information

Financial Information


Your smile is forever, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you to receive the best orthodontic treatment that you need. We will work with you to create a payment plan that fits your budget, and you will know what to expect before beginning treatment.


Our practice works with most major insurance plans. Most orthodontic policies cover $1000 to $1500 per lifetime of the patient, even if Dr. DeGeorge is not a listed provider for your insurance company. When you schedule your initial consultation with Dr. DeGeorge, our staff will ask if you have any dental insurance you would like us to check benefits for prior to your appointment. When you come in for your first visit, we can explain how much coverage you have available and help find a payment plan that works for your budget. If you have insurance that covers any portion of your orthodontic treatment, our staff will file all claims and paperwork as needed.

Please let us know if you have any questions!