+ Why should I choose Alliedsmiles Orthodontics?

  • Excellent educational background at University of Pennsylvania
  • Newest and most current treatment options available
  • Dr. DeGeorge is hands on at all stages of orthodontic treatment
  • Compassionate, professional, caring, and approachable team
  • Top notch personalized experience
  • Early morning and evening hours

+ When should I schedule an orthodontic appointment?

There is never a wrong time to begin orthodontic treatment! You can receive orthodontic treatment as long as your teeth, gums, and other oral structures are healthy. Treatment is available for patients of all ages, however beginning treatment at an earlier age makes your problems much easier to treat. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children receive their initial orthodontic screening by age 7.

+ What is 2 phase orthodontic treatment?

Not all children need two phases of orthodontic treatment. Dr. DeGeorge will evaluate the need for early treatment at the initial consultation. Phase I treatment is orthodontic treatment (i.e. expansion, active retainer or partial braces) that is done before all of the permanent teeth have erupted, and occurs between the ages of six and ten. The goal of Phase I Treatment is to make room for the future eruption of permanent teeth and to improve the relationship of the upper and lower jaws. Later, when most of the permanent teeth have erupted (usually between the ages of eleven and thirteen), Phase II treatment is recommended. The goal of Phase II Treatment is to position all the permanent teeth to maximize their appearance and function.

+ If I have braces, do I still need dental checkups every six months?

It is very important to visit the dentist while you are receiving orthodontic treatment. In fact, visiting your dentist for regular cleanings is more important than ever. Your dentist will help you keep your teeth clean and free from cavities and other problems.

+ How much does orthodontic treatment cost?

Orthodontic treatment is a long-term investment in your health, wellbeing, and appearance! We will cover the exact cost and financial options during your initial examination. We have many financing options available to make treatment more affordable, and we will review your insurance policy and help to maximize your benefit and file your claims.

+ How often will I have appointments?

You will need to visit our orthodontist regularly to have your braces or other appliances adjusted. Most patients will visit our office every 6-8 weeks.